Tsunami generally travel very fast across the ocean (typically 500km/h or more). In deep water the tsunami height might not be great but the height can increase dramatically when they reach the shoreline because the wave slows in shallow water and the energy becomes more concentrated. In addition to the inherent increase in the height of the wave from this shoaling effect, the momentum of the wave might cause it to reach a considerable height as it travels up sloping land. It is typical for multiple waves to result from one tsunami-generating event and these could be several hours apart when they reach a distant shore.
Amplitude is approximately the maximum height of
the wave above sea level when in deep water - see diagram.
Note that this is not the same as the "double amplitude" which
is the vertical distance between the crest and the trough and
is often used to describe the height of a wave).
Run-up height is the vertical height above sea level of
the tsunami at its furthest point inland.
Run-up factor is the run-up height divided by the
deepwater wave amplitude
The run-up factor can vary considerably, depending on local topography and the direction of travel of the wave. Hills and Goda (1998) note that earthquake-generated tsunami in Japan have an average run-up factor of 10 but sometimes reach 25. In Hawaii run-up factors of 40 have been observed for earthquake-generated tsunami. There is a particular danger to seaports from tsunami because the approach channel to the port can support a much more energetic tsunami (there is less energy dissipated or reflected as it travels over the continental shelf). On the other hand, based on recent assessments of tsunami risks for various locations, Crawford and Mader (1998) estimate the typical run-up factor is only 2 to 3.
Contrary to popular notions, the Australian coastline is vulnerable to tsunami (Nott & Bryant 1999 and Rynn & Davidson 1999). There is also evidence of substantial variations in run-up factor for tsunami along the Australian coast . Along a 40km stretch of coastline the run-up height from one (ancient) tsunami event varied by more than 40 (based on Young et al 1996). The effects are complicated by features such as estuaries, harbours, cliffs and reefs. The topography and features of the continental shelf, the shoreline, an estuary/harbour and the land are all very important is considering the damaging effects of tsunami. Some coastal areas could be vulnerable to relatively small tsunami. Until recently there appears to have very little assessment of this risk except in areas prone to earthquake-generated tsunami such as Japan and Hawaii.
The urgency for increased research on tsunami is reinforced by the devastating tsunami which struck northern New Guinea in July 1998. Scientists are still trying to understand mechanisms of that earthquake-related tsunami.
Estimates of risk based on asteroid/comet impact frequency
may vary by a factor of ten - "Events like Tunguska occur with
uncertain frequency, possibly once every 50 years, if the
interpretation of the Spacewatch data is correct, or at most
once every 300 to 500 years" (Steel 1995). Subject to
this uncertainty, the probability of an impact at a given
location can be estimated from
P = P(D) * AD
/ AE
P(D) is the probability of an impact by an
asteroid of diameter D somewhere on the Earth
AD is the area of destruction
due to the impact
AE is the total area of the
Earth's surface (including ocean).
Applying this to the Tunguska event, and assuming an average interval between Earth impacts of one century, the annual probability of a given location being within the devastation area is P(annual) = 0.01 * 2000 / 5.1E8 = 4E-8 or about 1 in 25 million. .
Steel (1995) provides the following
formula for estimating the area of destruction, based on
nuclear weapons tests:
A = 400 (Energy)0.67
Using this formula the following table sets out the typical
values for stony asteroid up to 200m diameter (assuming
velocity=20km/s, density=3 g/cc). Again the values are subject
to considerable uncertainty and may vary by a factor of ten or
more. The area of devastation for 500m and 1km asteroids is
derived from the range of values presented by Morrison & Chapman (1995).
Table 1 - Risk of direct impact for a given location
Diameter | Kinetic Energy | Area Devastated |
(m) | Mt TNT | sq km | Earth | "City" | Inhabited Region & Expected Death toll |
100 yr
30 million yr
900 yr
1 million
1000 yr
70 million yr
8000 yr
3 million
29 000
5000 yr
90 million yr
30 000 yr
14 million
10 000
70 000
40 000 yr
290 million yr
180 000 yr
30 million
1 km
75 000
200 000
100 000 yr
260 million yr
290 000 yr
60 million
2 km
1 million MT
1 million yr
1 million yr
1.5 billion
90 yr
14 million yr
800 yr
There is uncertainty about the diameter of many asteroids when they are initially discovered. These objects are generally so small and so far away that their diameter has to be inferred from their absolute magnitude. Brightness, in turn, depends on the object's albedo (amount of light reflected from the surface). An object of magnitude 23 might have a diameter between 65m and 108m. Furthermore, with limited observations, the absolute magnitude may vary by +/-0.5 therefore the estimated diameter can range from 50m to 190m.
Iron asteroids are more likely to reach the ground intact. They comprise perhaps 5% of the smaller asteroids and are disregarded in this analysis.
At this stage there are considerable differences in asteroid/tsunami predictions between the researchers. For a review of the methods see Ward & Asphaug (1999). After presenting their predictions of risk to coastal areas these authors note that "Being about ten times less than Hills et al. (1994) and perhaps ten times greater than Crawford and Mader (1998), our predictions split the field".
The main items of contention appears to be:
Ward & Asphaug (1999) (their Figure 6) |
Crawford & Mader (1998) (their
Table 1)
1m (5m from equation)
1 km
In the case of asteroids 200m and larger there is likely to be an impact into the ocean. For objects under this diameter there is a reduction in the size of the deepwater wave due to energy dissipation in the atmosphere. Speed, trajectory, density and strength of the object can affect the nature of the explosion. There does not appear to be an empirical formula available to deal with these smaller objects and it is possible that the smaller asteroids produce no appreciable waves. On the other hand, in the case of serious tsunami generated by earthquakes the energy involved is estimated to be equivalent to about 2 Megatons of TNT (Yabushita 1998). The impact by a 100m asteroid typically involves kinetic energy of about 75Mt so it would only involve the conversion of about 3% of this energy to wave energy in order to produce a serious tsunami - albeit, the tsunami could quickly dissipate, compared with an earthquake generated tsunami.
On balance the following conservative values have been used for risk assessment. These are based on extrapolation of Crawford and Mader data. Note that compared with Table 2, the range has been reduced to 100km to obtain reasonable values for the smaller asteroids.
Table 3. Estimated deepwater wave
height (above sea level)
at a point 100km from asteroid
impact (based on extrapolation of Crawford &
Asteroid Diameter (m) |
1 km
2 km
Using a log-log plot of the Crawford and Mader data (see Appendix), the following estimates of danger radius have been derived by (gross) extrapolation.
Stony Asteroid |
Diameter | 5 | 10 | 20 | 40 | |||
(m) |
16 000
Impacts by asteroids 2km and larger exceed the global catastrophe threshold and are disregarded for the purpose of analysing tsunami effects.
For most coastal locations the surface area of ocean which poses a tsunami threat is a semi-circle with a radius R equivalent to the distances derived in the above table. This radius is, however, limited by the size of the ocean. An area corresponding to 30% of the surface area of the Earth has been used for this limit (the approximate size of the Pacific Ocean). Applying equation (1) to the resulting semi-circular areas provides the following estimates of average intervals between events:
Stony Asteroid |
Diameter | 5 | 10 | 20 | 40 | |||
(m) |
for a single location ("city") on the shore of a deep ocean. |
81 million
20 million
9 million
66 million
19 million
6 million
83 million
26 million
8 million
2 million
20 million
7 million
2 million
670 000
4 million
1.3 million
400 000
330 000
3 million
1 million
300 000
190 000
In all cases it appears that risk of serious tsunami from asteroids 200m diameter and smaller is much less than for larger objects.
For a given coastal location the predicted average interval between 10m tsunami events (bottom row from Table 5) can be compared with the average interval between "direct" impacts (Table 1) to derive the relative risk for that location compared with an inland location (that is, a location which is not vulnerable to a 10m tsunami). Note that this is independent of the actual rate of impacts.
Table 6 - Relative risk of coastal
location compared to inland location
Tsunami Run-up factor |
Relative risk due to all types of
0 (inland)
This tentative analysis suggests that the risk to a low-lying
coastal area from tsunami generated by asteroids is
significantly greater than the risk from a "direct" impact by
such objects. The average interval between such tsunami events
is estimated to range from about 190,000 years for a location
with a run-up factor of 40 to
about 3 million years for a location with a run-up
factor of 5. These compare with an average interval of 14
million years for a "direct hit".
In a paper titled "Asteroid impact hazard: a probabilistic hazard assessment" to be published in Icarus (and findings presented at the Tsunami Symposium in May 1999), Ward and Asphaug (1999) set out a comprehensive method of determining the impact tsunami risk. This analysis is based on methods they have developed for assessing earthquake risk. Probabilities are derived for a range of tsunami sizes striking a given coastline within a 1,000 year period. Note that in that paper tsunami height is measured just before the wave reaches the shore rather than run-up height. They assess the tsunami risk for a generic coastline and for the coastal cities San Francisco, New York, Tokyo, Hilo Harbour (Hawaii), Perth and Sydney.
The estimates derived above indicate considerably less risk from an asteroid-generated tsunami than that derived by Ward and Asphaug. For example, they estimate the risk of a 10m tsunami inundating a generic coastline (with a semi-circular "target area" of ocean having is radius of 6,000km) is 1.1% in 1,000 years, equivalent to one event every 91,000 years and about one tenth of the risk estimated above.
The main differences are likely to arise from assumptions about initial wave size and dispersion.
Comparison with other asteroid impact risks
In effect, the above analysis refers to risk of being caught in a region of direct devastation (being within the "blast area") compared with being within an area inundated by a tsunami. In the case of an impact by a large asteroid (diameter 2km or more) it has been estimated that 25% of the human population would die - mainly from indirect effects, such as starvation. This type of event is thought to occur with an average interval of 1 million years. The annual risk of dying in such an event is therefore about 1 in 4 million, which is similar to the tsunami risk for a location with a run-up factor of 5 (1 in 3 million).
For some coastal regions with unusual vulnerability to tsunami the risk of dying from asteroid-generated tsunami may be several times greater than that of dying from other asteroid-related causes. For these highly vulnerable areas the typical interval between asteroid tsunami events is likely to be about 200,000 years - assuming that impacts are randomly distributed in time.
There is considerable uncertainty about most of the "input values" used in these estimates. Also it is possible that impacts are not randomly distributed in time (Steel et al, 1995) and the Earth may be subjected to a barrage of small asteroids (or comet fragments) from time to time. This may have happened over the past few thousand years and could be a source of some of the tsunami that appear to have struck Australia during this period. Until we better understand the impact threat, there is no cause for complacency over the long intervals derived above. Finally, it is stressed that the run-up factor is not the sole issue in determining the destruction caused by a tsunami.
Hills J.G. and Goda M.P (1998a) "Tsunami from asteroid and comet impacts: the vulnerability of Europe",Science of Tsunami Hazards, Vol 16, No.1.
Hills J.G. and Goda M.P (1998b) "Damage from the impacts of small asteroids", J Planetary and Space Science, Elsevier Science,( available in PDF format )
Mader C.L. (1998) "Modeling the Eltanin asteroid impact", Science of Tsunami Hazards, Vol 16, No.1.
Morrison D. and Chapman C. 1995 "The Biospheric Hazard of Large Impact". Proceedings of Planetary Defense Workshop.
Nott J. and Bryant E. (1999) "PALEOTSUNAMIS ALONG THE AUSTRALIAN COAST", Proceedings of the Tsunami Symposium,(temporary link), The Tsunami Society, May 1999.
Rynn J. and Davidson J.(1999) "CONTEMPORARY ASSESSMENT OF TSUNAMI RISK AND IMPLICATIONS FOR EARLY WARNINGS FOR AUSTRALIA AND ITS ISLAND TERRITORIES", Proceedings of the Tsunami Symposium,(temporary link), The Tsunami Society, May 1999.
Steel D. (1995) Rogue Asteroids and Doomsday Comets, John Wiley & Sons
Steel D., Asher D., Napier W. and Clube S. (1995) "Are impacts correlated in time?" Hazards due to comets and asteroids,
Ward S.N. and Asphaug E. (1999) "Asteroid impact tsunami: a probabilistic hazard assessment", Icarus, 1999 (preprint). Summary in PDF format
Yabushita S (1997) "On the possible hazard on the major cities caused by asteroid impact in the Pacific Ocean - II", Earth, Moon and Planets. 76 (1/2):117-121.
R.Young R.W.,Bryant E.,Price D. and Spassov E. (1996) "The
tsunami in quaternary coastal sediments of Southeastern
website http://wwwrses.anu.edu.au/~edelvays/tsunami1.html
Irrespective of the cause, there is a need to assess the risk to coastlines from tsunami. The south east coast of Australia makes an sobering case study. This coastline covers about 1,500 km from the Sunshine Coast in Queensland to Eden in New South Wales. Many low lying coastal areas along the south east coast of Australia have been intensively developed. Excluding the non-coastal suburbs of Sydney and Brisbane, the total population along this coastline is about 1.2 million.
Consider the effects of a 10m tsunami like the one which hit northern New Guinea in July 1998. Based the topography of coastal developments along the south east coast of Australia it is conservatively estimated that about 50,000 dwellings, containing about 140,000 people (about 12% of the population), are in areas which could be inundated by a 10m tsunami. If it is assumed that these people are in or near their dwellings (or similar vulnerable areas) for 50% of the time and that the death rate from people caught in such a tsunami is 50% then it is expected that 25% of the population would be killed#. The predicted death toll from one event which caused a 10m tsunami along the south east coast of Australia is therefore 35,000 (25% of 140,000). This could easily double during peak summer periods.
Based on the above predictions, and assuming a run-up factor of 10, the chances of an asteroid-generated tsunami event occurring in the next fifty years are estmated to be about 1 in 20,000 - a low risk but high consequence event. For comparison, Ward & Asphaug (1999) include a site-specific calculation of tsunami risk for Sydney. They estimate there is a 1.15% risk of a 10m or higher tsunami in the next 1,000 years - this is equivalent to a 1 in 1,700 chance in 50 years.
Research by the University of Wollongong suggests that the New South Wales South Coast has been struck by at least six large tsunami within the last 6,000 years - a typical interval of 1,000 years - perhaps much less ( Young et al 1995). One possible cause is giant underwater "landslides" on the edge of the continental shelf but earthquakes and asteroid impacts may also be causes. Irrespective of the risk of tsunami from asteroid impact we really need to learn more about the risk to our coastlines from major tsunami.
# For comparison, the earthquake-generated 24m tsunami which hit about 300km of the coastline of Honshu, Japan in 1896 killed 27,000 people. In vulnerable fishing villages 80% or more of residents were killed. The tsunami hit at 8pm when most people were at home.
Update Dec 1999: The paper CONTEMPORARY ASSESSMENT OF TSUNAMI RISK AND IMPLICATIONS FOR EARLY WARNINGS FOR AUSTRALIA AND ITS ISLAND TERRITORIES by Rynn and Davidson is now available in PDF format (part of a 7.6Mb file for Vol 17 No. 2). See my review.
Interval (yrs) | Nil | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
50 | 61% | 30% | 8% | 1% | 0.2% |
100 (mean) | 37% | 37% | 18% | 6% | 2% |
200 | 14% | 27% | 27% | 18% | 9% |
500 | 1% | 3% | 8% | 14% | 17% |
For example, the probability of exactly one event
during a 100 year interval is 37% which is the same
probability as nil events. This may seem counter-intuitive
given that the average interval between events is
100 years but it simply results from th erandom distribution.
Notice that the probabilities in this row, (and the row for 50
year interval) add up to 100% - the other rows, if extended to
larger numbers of events, would also add up to 100%.
Since both geological and historical records of a 50m NEO
impact are unlikely to be reliable beyond 200 years the "fact"
that just one event (Tunguska) appears to have occurred in
this period is not unusual - it has a probability of 27% - the
same probabilty as 2 events.
In a true poisson distribution we are never "overdue for an
event" - the probability of an event occurring in the next
year is the same as in the previous year and will be the same
in the following year. The time since the last event has
nothing to do with the timing of the next event.
The basis of the estimate of the proportion killed is given
in the analysis but this is highly dependent of the time of
day, the season and the weather. A popular beach day would
obviously be the worst scenario - perhaps ten times the
estimate. Fortunately the chances of this are very slight -
the total hours of popular beach days perhaps comprise 2% of
the total hours in a year (mind you, Warringah's 6 beaches had
an estimated 1.7 million visitors last summer!).
The graph shows deepwater wave height (metres above sea level) by distance from impact (kilometres) for a range of asteroid diameters. The horizontal lines show the deepwater wave height which would produce a tsunami with a run-up height of 10m for a range of run-up factors (5, 10, 20 & 40).
An estimate of "danger radius" can be derived from the intercept of these lines with the asteroid lines. For example, the lower, thick horizontal line shows a deepwater wave height of 0.25m which would produce a 10m tsunami at a location with a run-up factor of 40. This intercepts the extrapolated line for a 200m asteroid at a "distance from impact" of about 800km, suggesting that an impact by a 200m diameter asteroid anywhere within a radius of 800km would produce a tsunami 10m or higher at a location with a run-up factor of 40 (this is an unusually high factor).
Alternative estimates of impact tsunami wave heights
Jack Hills from Los Almos National Laboratories is a key researcher in this field. He published several papers including "Tsunami produced by the impacts of small asteroids" published in the proceedings of The Planetary Defence Workshop, May 1995. That paper includes an empirical formula for calculating the height of a deepwater wave (tsunami) 1,000 kilometres from the impact point. For an asteroid diameter D=200m or more the deepwater wave amplitude h is estimated by:
h = 7.8 * [(D/406)^3 * (V/20)^2 * (M/3)]^0.54 (metres, at a distance of 1,000km)
D is stony asteroid diameter in metres (note that Hills uses asteroid radius. Also, in the figures, wave height is double amplitude)
V is velocity in km/s (range 11 to 70, typical 20km/s)
M is asteroid density in grams per cubic centimetre (range 1 to 6, typical 3g/cc)Results from this formula are shown in Table 2.
Results of recent work by LANL will be presented at the Tsunami Symposium. The following is an extract from the abstract of a paper by Hills & Goda:
"The critical factor in the third part of the study is to accurately determine the dispersion in the waves produced by the smaller impactors. Dispersion may greatly reduce the effectiveness of the smaller impactors at large distances from the impact point. We wish to understand this effect thoroughly before going to the Monte Carlo study. We have modeled mid-Atlantic impacts with craters 150 and 300 km in diameter. We are proceeding to Pacific impacts. The code has been progressively improved to eliminate problems at the domain boundaries, so it now runs until the tsunami inundation is finished. We find that the tsunami generated by such impacts will travel to the Appalachian mountains in the Eastern USA. We find that the larger of these two impacts would engulf the entire Florida Peninsula. The smaller one would cover the Eastern third of the Peninsula while a wave passing through the Gulf of Cuba would cause the inundation of the west coast of Florida."Wave dispersion
According to Ward & Asphaug (1999) the deepwater wave height reduces approximately in proportion to distance travelled: H is proportional to 1/R. In the absence of dispersion, H can be expected H to be proportional to 1/R0.5 since energy is proportional to the square of wave height (this relationship also exists when considering the work done in depressing a water surface against hydrostatic pressure).For large distances from the impact the above log-log plot based on Crawford and Mader agrees, roughly, with the 1/R relationship (the actual relationship is about 1/R0.85). The main differences between methods appear to result from differences in estimates of the initial wave size and wave dispersion over the first 100km or so.
Calculation of risk to Earth's inhabited regionsThis section attempts to estimate the risk to regions important for population, agriculture and resources. The total land area of these regions is estimated in the following table.
Table A1. Estimate of inhabited land areas
Continent Land Area
(millions sq km)Assumed % inhabited Area inhabited
(millions sq km)Africa 30 30% 9 Antarctica 14 0% 0 Asia 45 30% 14 Europe 10 90% 9 N.America 24 30% 7 Oceania 9 20% 2 S.America 18 20% 4
45 = 9% Earth For a given inhabited area the risk from direct devastation by an asteroid impact is related to the total area of the region plus a boundary representing the radius of destruction of the impact event - the larger the impactor the larger the boundary.
For the purpose of estimating risk it is necessary to assume the typical size of an inhabited area. In this analysis this is assumed to be 500km by 500km*. Around this area will be a boundary which varies according to the size of the asteroid. The method is illustrated in the diagram, where B is the radius of devastation from a given impact.* Caution: this analysis is quite sensitive to the value chosen. For example, in the table below the "target area" for a 500m asteroid impact varies from 15% for a 1,000x1,000km area to 50% for a 200x200km area.
Based on the above assumptions (9% of Earth's surface "inhabited" and typical inhabited region is 500km by 500km), an estimate can be made of the total "target area" which represents a risk to inhabited regions for each size of asteroid. Note that the estimate of target area for 1km asteroids is probably high because the resulting "boundaries" will overlap adjacent inhabited regions. However, the significant indirect effects of these impacts have not been taken into account and could more than compensate for this problem. Note also that boundary areas can include seas and oceans therefore the total "target area" can exceed the land area of Earth (as in the case of 1km impacts in the following table).Table A2. Estimate of the risk of an inhabited region being within an area of direct devastation
* radius of direct devastation due to impact. There is a high risk of death within this radius
Asteroid Diameter
(m)Width of "Boundary"*
(km)Target Area (% of Earth) Annual Probability Average Interval (Years) Chance in 50 years 1 in ... 50 24 10.8% 1.1E-3 900 18 100 48 12.7% 1.3E-4 8000 160 200 96 17% 3.4E-5 30 000 600 500 149 22% 5.6E-6 180 000 3600 1000 252 34% 3.4E-6 290 000 5800 All 1.3E-3 800 16These values are used in Table 1 and they represent the risk of an inhabited region being within an area of direct devastation - the consequences of that impact depend on the size of impactor, population density and numerous other factors. In general, the consequences of a large impact are much graver than those of a smaller asteroid and indirect effects, such as global starvation, could lead to greater loss of life than the initial impact.
Estimate of fatalities
Building on a method of analysis presented by Steel (1995), an estimate can be made of the likely fatalities from a particular type of impact.
The most violent explosion in historical times was the Indonesian Tambora volcano eruption in 1815 which resulted in a 6km diameter "crater" (see image). This is recorded as having caused 10,000 deaths immediately due to blast and ash and a further 80,000 deaths in the region over subsequent weeks, due mainly to starvation. The eruption also pushed an estimated 80 cubic kilometres of ejecta into the atmosphere and is a possible cause of the "year without summer" (1816) in the Northern Hemisphere, when freezing weather hit the USA during June and there were widespread crop failures. This suggests that indirect deaths from such a major disruptive event can exceed eight times the direct death toll. This ratio has been used in the following calculations for asteroids 500m diameter and more. A lower value has been used for the smaller asteroids due to the increased likelihood of airburst explosions.Assuming that 9% of the Earth's surface is inhabited by 6 billion humans then the average population density of inhabited regions is about 130 persons per square kilometre. The "area devastated" in Table 1 can be combined with the estimated risk of an inhabited region being devastated to derive a (very rough) estimate of potential fatalities: This takes into account the reduced population density in "boundary areas". Also the consequences of an impact by a 2km asteroid are included, based on assumption that one quarter of the human population would perish - mainly from indirect effects.
Table A3. Estimate of death toll from various types of impact
Asteroid Diameter
(m)Area devastated
(sq km)"Typical"
Direct FatalitiesRatio of
fatalitiesTotal fatalities Annual
chance for inhabited regions
1 in ...Equivalent annual death toll 50 1900 200 000 4 1 million 900 1100 100 7200 650 000 4 3 million 8000 400 200 29 000 2 000 000 6 14 million 30 000 500 500 70 000 4 000 000 8 35 million 180 000 200 1 km 200 000 7 000 000 8 63 million 290 000 200 2 km - - - 1.5 billion 1 million 1500 All 800 3900
For comparison, the average annual death toll from earthquakes is about 10,000 per year. That of commercial airliner crashes is about 700 per year!Comparison with risk estmates by John Lewis
Email from John S Lewis, University of Arizona, May 1999:Thought you might be interested in seeing the results of a very elaborate Monte Carlo simulation (repeated calculations using random input parameters) of impact hazards on a time scale of 10^4 years and less. The calculations use the best available orbital and taxonomic data on NEOs, laboratory chemical and physical properties of impactor materials, realisric strength-vs.-size models, 3-D entry geometry, detailed modeling of ablation, luminosity, fragmentation, airburst blast waves, S injection, NOx production, Ir signatures, etc.In "Rain of Iron and Ice" (1997) Dr Lewis describes the results of ten simulations of 10,000 year 'runs'. They include tsunami effects and 30% of the deaths from 1gigaton+ events were due to tsunami. The largest impact was an 8.5gigaton event (e.g. a 3km asteroid). Over the ten runs the equivalent annual fatalities range from 720 to 6,170, with an average of 2,450 deaths per year. Impacts of 20Mt (e.g. a 60m asteroid) are violent enough to kill 100,000 people - equivalent to 360 deaths per year.
A popular account of the simulations appeared in my book "Rain of Iron and Ice", Addison-Wesley (1996), and a detailed technical account of the modeling will appear in "Comet and Asteroid Impact Hazards on a Populated Earth", due out this year from Academic Press.
Using this model, I found the same basic importance of Tunguska-type airbursts on normal human (1-100 years) and societal (100-10,000 years) time scales. The majority of the fatalities, however, are caused by the largest single lethal event in the simulation.
The values in Table A3 are therefore in the right ballpark.
Dr Lewis also refers to an event in China in 1490 when "stones fell like rain" and over 10,000 people were killed.5 Dec 1999: Just received my copy of a new book by Planetary Scientist John Lewis "Comet and asteroid impact hazard on a populated Earth". It includes a diskette with a Monte Carlo program to run simulations of Earth impacts over time. The book is basically a handbook for the software with a wide range of physical information about NEOs, impacts and effects on the human population. An excellent resource covering physics, chemistry and environment . My own rough estimates of human fatalities may prove too optimistic.
The paper "Meteorite falls in China and some related human casualty events" by Yau, Weisman and Yeomans (downloadable PDF from NASA Astrophysics Data System ADS Abstract Service) also refers to the 1490AD event. This paper estimates the worldwide fatalities from meteorite impacts (mainly due to collaspsed buildings) at around one fatality every four years. It does not cover larger impact events.
Tsunami risk
A similar estimate of risk can be derived for coastlines vulnerable to asteroid-generated tsunami.Table A4. Estimate of the length of inhabited coastline
Applying the "danger radius" values from Table 5, and assuming a typical run-up factor of 5, a target area of ocean can be derived for each size of asteroid. Only asteroids 200m diameter and larger are considered because, with smaller asteroids, the area of direct devastation is likely to be similar to that the tsunami threat.
Ocean Estimated inhabited coastline
(km)Indian (Africa, Asia, Australia) 16 000 Pacific East (Americas) 11 000 Pacific West (Asia, Oceania) 15 000 Atlantic West (Americas) 17 000 Atlantic East (Africa, Europe) 12 000 Southern (Australia) 3 000 Total 74 000 Table A5. Estimate of risk of an asteroid-generated tsunami (run-up height 10m or greater) striking an inhabited coastline (tsunami run-up factor 5)
Note that, due to the method of calculation, these risks are not independent of the risk of direct devastation.
Asteroid Diameter
(m)Tsunami Danger Radius (km) Tsunami Danger Area (% of Earth) Annual Probability Average Interval between events (years) Chance in 50 years
1 in ... 200 140 2% 4.1E-6 250 000 5000 500 800 12% 2.9E-6 350 000 7000 1000 2800 41% 4.1E-6 250 000 5000 All 1.1E-5 90 000 1800
Conclusions about the risk to inhabited areas
Overall, this tentative analysis suggests:See books for further reading on this subject. Also a paper "Damage from the impacts of small asteroids" by Hills & Goda is available in PDF format.
- Asteroids 1km diameter and larger pose the greatest threat to humankind, in terms of the number of fatalities - the death toll from a 1km impact would probably exceed 63 million (somewhere between 1km and 2km diameter the event becomes a global catastrophe, with over 1 billion deaths). It is estimated that there is a 1 in 2,000 chance of the Earth being struck by a 1km asteroid in the next 50 years.
- The most likely type of impact for an inhabited area of the Earth is the Tunguska-size event (asteroid diameter about 50m). The effects would probably be quite localized (unless it triggers a nuclear war). It is estimated that there is a 1 in 18 chance of an inhabited region somewhere on Earth being devastated by such an impact in the next 50 years and the total fatalities could be around 1 million. However, for a given location, the chance of devastation by a Tunguska-size impact in the next 50 years is about 1 in 600,000.
- Due to tsunami, vulnerable coastal locations are at increased risk from impacts by asteroids 200m or larger, compared with "inland" locations. It is estimated that there is a 1 in 1,800 chance of an inhabited coastal location somewhere on Earth being inundated by an asteroid tsunami in the next 50 years (assuming a typical run-up factor of 5). The chance of a given coastal location being inundated by an asteroid tsunami depends on the run-up factor and other factors. It is estimated that a "high-risk" location with a run-up factor of 10 has a 1 in 20,000 chance of being inundated in the next 50 years. This is less risk than that from the global effects of a 1km asteroid or larger striking somewhere on Earth but considerably more than the risk of direct devastation by a Tunguska style impact.
Are you insured?
My home insurance policy covers me for "impact by space debris or debris from a rocket, satellite or aircraft" but not "the action of the sea, tidal wave, high water or tsunami". Interestingly, Tsunami is defined as "An unusually high wave or series of waves caused by an earthquake or volcanic eruption". Tsunami generated by asteroid impacts or underwater landslides would not meet this definition, but are probably still excluded as "action of the sea". Anyhow, I guess insurance would be the least of my worries - I live 150 metres above sea level. Most of Sydney would be less than 50 metres above sea level!
Tsunami Links
Several links no longer work. email (replace ! with @ and gee with g). Suggestions for correct URLs are welcome.Frame from USGS animation. Greatly magnified vertical scale.![]()
Australian sites
- Proposal for a major asteroid/comet (NEO) search program in Australia, in combination with increased tsunami research (there is currently no major NEO search program in Australia - funds for the fledgling program were cut by the Federal Government in 1996)
- Create a mini tsunami using a balloon in a bathtub
- On 14 Nov 1998 the Australian radio program Science Show had an interview with Dr Jonathon Nott from James Cook University about the New Guinea Tsunami and tsunami around the Australian coastline. Researchers are still trying to understand why the New Guinea tsunami was so large.
- Australian science TV program Quantum has an item about tsunami - this includes analysis of the New Guinea Tsunami and an interview with Dr Ted Bryant about the evidence for tsunami hitting the NSW coast.
(US)ABC News item Tsunami Reveals a Surprise- analysis of the New Guinea tsunami - there are some puzzling features to this event. Quote from an AGSO item "[Aftershock monitoring] is important for tsunami modellers who cannot at this stage explain why such a large tsunami...crossed the Sissano Lagoon sandbar at an average height of 10.5 m"- Details about, and an animation of, the July 17, 1998 New Guinea Tsunami .
- 17 May 1998: UK Telegraph article How meteors made an impact Down Under - possibility that a meteor impact caused a tsunami which devastated the NSW coast just over 200 years ago (registration needed). Also in Sunday Herald Sun, July 6, 1997 TSUNAMI LINK TO (Aboriginal) LEGEND
- University of Wollongong paper "The magnitude and frequency of tsunami along the South coast of New South Wales, Australia" by Ted Bryant and David Price, School of Geosciences, Univ. Wollongong.(link broken)
- "The imprint of tsunami in quaternary coastal sediments of Southeastern Australia" by R.W. Young, E.A. Bryant, D.M. Price: Dept. of Geography, University of Wollongong and E. Spassov: RSES, The Australian National University Canberra
- Uni Wollongong: Interactive map of Australian Tsunami features.(link broken)
- Siberian site! with photos (Dr Ted Bryant from the University of Wollongong would like to hear from people who have seen similar coastline features).
- Manly Hydraulics Laboratory in Sydney has this article about a small tsunami that hit the NSW coast following a major earthquake in New Calidonia in May 1995. Its speed was about 430km/h.
- Australian Geological Survey Organisation Tsunami information + database.
- Maquarie University Natural Hazards Research Centre including an Australian tsunami database
- Australian Academy of Science: Calculating the threat of tsunami
- Dr Mary Bourke, who obtained her PhD at ANU, studies desert river systems on Earth and on Mars looking at the geomorphic effects of high magnitude floods. These appear have similar erosional effects to mega-tsunami.
- Tsunami Warning Services in the Australian Region - a 1998 press release.
- Quake: Live earthquakes map (thanks Sharon Thornton)
- Nature item
- Sky and Telescope - June 1998 (updated link) "Even a mere 5-megaton impact by a very small object in the ocean would produce tsunami comparable to those produced by the largest earthquakes"
- Natural Resources Canada: IMPACT CRATERING ON EARTH "... an impact anywhere in the Atlantic Ocean by a body 400m in diameter would devastate the coasts on both sides of the ocean with wave runups of over 60m." (note that the recent Sandia research suggests this might not be the case).
- Scientific American:
- Deep Impact "... may represent the most lavish effort yet of Hollywood's trying to get the science right."
- The Day the Sands Caught Fire
- Tsunami
- Double Whammy:An asteroid striking land would be catastrophic, but the damage might be far worse if it crashed into the sea
- Killer Waves on the East Coast?
- CNN News Item Big Splash: Scientists describe asteroid's ancient ocean plunge
- "Down-to-Earth Astronomy: Tsunami from Asteroid-Comet Impacts" abstract of paper by J. G. Hills, C. L. Mader, M. P. Goda, M. S. Warren (LANL), January 1998. See also this press release.
- Planetary Defense Workshop 1995 including full copies (PDF format) of several papers such as "Tsunami produced by the impact of small asteroids" by Jack HIlls and Charles Mader
- Assessment of tsunami hazards on the British Columbia Coast... - University of Victoria thesis, looking at tsunami hazards from earthquakes (also search their database for "tsunami")
Tsunami resources
More NEO links
Note: The tsunami sizes in some of these books are based on earlier work and are much larger than those described in Table 3 above.
- "Rogue Asteroids and Doomsday Comets" by Duncan Steel (John Wiley & Sons, 1995) has information about tsunami and NEO impacts.
- "Impact! The threat of comets and asteroids" by Gerrit Verschuur, Oxford University Press, 1996.
- "Rain of Iron and Ice" by John S Lewis, Addison-Wesley (1996) includes a Monte-Carlo simulation of impact hazards
- "Hazards due to comets and asteroids", edited by Tom Gehrels from Spacewatch, has dozens of scientific papers about impact hazards. It includes a paper "Tsunami generated by small asteroid impacts" by Hills, Nemchinov, Popov and Teterau.
- Comet and Asteroid Impact Hazards John Lewis
by Edward A. Byrant, School of Geosciences, University of Wollongong, Australia
0 521 77244 3 Hardback £55.00/$74.95
0 521 77599 4 Paperback £19.95/$27.95
Publication c. July 2001
For more details and how to order, please visit the (UK) website
It can also be ordered from Cambridge University Press Melbourne.Description
In the past decade over ten major tsunami events have impacted on the world's coastlines, causing devastation and loss of life. Evidence for past great tsunami, or 'mega-tsunami', has also recently been discovered along apparently aseismic and protected coastlines. With a large proportion of the world's population living on the coastline, the threat from tsunami can not be ignored. This book comprehensively describes the nature and process of tsunami, outlines field evidence for detecting the presence of past events, and describes particular events linked to earthquakes, volcanoes, submarine landslides and meteorite impacts. While technical aspects are covered, much of the text can be read by anyone with a high school education. The book will appeal to students and researchers in geomorphology, earth and environmental science, and emergency planning, and will also be attractive for the general public interested in natural hazards and new developments in science.
(from CCNet)
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