[Interactive map] [List of Hotspots by Suburb] [Web Links] DRAFT 21 June 1999
Warringah Local Government Area is located on Sydney's Northern Beaches. It has a unique combination of bushland, coastal lagoons and beaches (aerial pictures). There are numerous threats to these great natural assets.
The following map shows locations were bushland has been cleared for developments or is under threat from development.One of the gravest threats is the New South Wales Government's State Environmental Planning Policy 5 (SEPP5) which actually encourages the bulldozing of bushland adjacent to existing residential areas to make way for retirement villages. Inevitably these retirement villages are on rugged blocks and are well away from shops and services so they are poorly suited to the intended residents. The effect of SEPP5 on Warringah's bushland can be gauged from the purple dots on the map.
Click on a location of interest on the map, or jump to the table at the foot of the page, to view details for each item (the table row at the very top of the window is relevant - due to browser limitations you may have to move up the page slightly to view the full details)
List of Hotspots
The Coastal Environment Centre (CEC) Narrabeen, New South Wales Oz Green Nature Conservation Council Bushland Mapping Project (used for above map) Warringah Council Treasure Our Lifestyle - local political party Warringah Independent Network (WIN) - environmental network with more information about many of these issues. Urban Villages as a means of preventing urban sprawl
An initiative of the
Red Hill Preservation Society
PO Box W206 Warrinagh Mall 2100This information is provided as a guide only. For more information about specific sites refer to documents held by Warringah Council.
Webmaster: Michael Paine