Open Access User Group Meeting - 16 April 96 Annual General Meeting - separate notes Venue Chatswood RSL was unable to provide telephone service for our Internet demonstration therefore Judy kindly offered to hold the meeting at her place. She tried to contact by telephone all the people who might be attending the meeting to advise them of the change in venue. Our thanks to Judy for her hospitality. Question & Answer Postscript Printers - Line drawing Terry explained a problem he has encountered using Postscript printers with Open Access. The IBM line-draw characters do not print correctly. With the help of a Postscript "guru" he has developed a replacement for the Open Access Postscript header file CONFIG.PS. This ensures that, when a Postscript printer is used from within Open Access, the IBM line-draw characters work correctly. Terry has prepared a library sheet on this subject which includes the changes to CONFIG.PS. If you don't want to type them in yourself you can obtain a diskette from Terry for $10 (to cover handling costs) or download the file for free from Michael Paine's Internet page (look for Download OA-PRT.ZIP). Network Speed - Record Locking Phil Thompson described some experiments he has conducted with processing time on a Novell network. The problem was that a routine maintenance operation on a database table was tasking a long time over the network but was fast on a standalone PC. He found a reference to record locking on an obscure page in the OA manual and tried the tip - it worked! The tip is that if you are processing many records in a view then apply a private lock on the view. This means that OA does not have to lock, process and unlock individual records as it works through the view. A disadvantage with private locks is that other users cannot access the records but if you are doing maintenance then generally you do want others changing those records. To lock a view in database (network version), retrieve your records then select LOCK from the Database Operations Menu. Select PRIVATE LOCK - you can then UPDATE the records. To lock a view in Programmer/Compiler create & USE the view then LOCK viewname PRIVATE Lantastic (ed:Keith to check) Keith O'Donnell has encountered system crashes (e.g. "Unimplemented p-code") when using Open Access on a Lanatastic network. It turns out that the FILES setting in CONFIG.SYS needs to be increased to allow numerous files to be open at the same time. FILES=500 seems to work. The problem might have been that OA was unable to create a temporary working file or open an overlay file due to the DOS limit on the number of open files. Internet Demonstration Richard Litchfield gave an excellent demonstration of surfing the Internet - so much so that the meeting didn't finish until about 10pm! Richard's notes are attached and his "tour" is available on Michael Paine's internet page. Technical Notes by Michael Paine - Internet Access Richard's notes provide a comprehensive guide to the internet. I thought I might provide some extra notes on my experiences gaining access to the Internet. It is based on the components of my system - other configurations are possible. Function Component Comment Web Browser running on your PC Netscape Navigator 2.0 Freeware for individual users. Available from most service providers. Link to Unix running on your PC Trumpet Winsock Evaluation copy available from some service providers User Interface Windows 3.1 Netscape runs better on a 32-bit system such as Windows 95 but the 16 bit version is fine. PC Operating System Novell DOS 7.0 - PC 486 with 8Mb RAM & 540Mb HD - Modem Multitech ZDX modem 28.8K 28.8K modem is best but 19K or even 14k are okay for amateur use Service Provider Grove Creek Observatory/APANA APANA is for non-commerncial users. See PC magazines for numerous other providers. the Internet! - - The "Winsock" is the unpublicised component of the system. It is needed by Netscape in order to talk to the Unix operating system of the service provider. For Windows 3.1 it must be loaded and linked to the service provider, via modem, before Netscape is loaded. My service provider, Grove Creek Observatory, has a bulletin board with Netscape , Trumpet Winsock and several other utilities available for downloading. Use a comms package such as Telix to dial up their BBS on 02 4270225 and login as "guest" (the Open Access comms package has some protocol difficulties but it will work if you do not have Telix). You can then register with them and obtain a one-month trial account. The copy of Trumpet Winsock is pre-configured for the GCO site, other than your name and password. Netscape will need configuring, as described in the help pages of the BBS. I should mention that Grove Creek Observatory is a voluntary service - the people running it are amateur astronomers who use the Internet for their hobby. You cannot expect the same level of service (and access) as a commercial service provider so please be patient and try to avoid e-mailing them for support on trivial matters - there are numerous "help" pages with advice. \